The Wisbech Society

and Preservation Trust Limited


By joining the Wisbech Society, you will meet like-minded people and help contribute to the cultural life of the town.



Membership is £16 for individuals and £24 for two people at the same address.

From 1st April 2019, subscriptions increased to £16 for individuals and £24 for two people at the same address.
Members are asked to please check and update any Standing Orders accordingly.

How to join

You can become a personal member by completing either of the manual or online routes at the bottom of this page and selecting your preferred form of payment.



Wisbech Society warmly welcomes corporate membership from companies and organisations wishing to support its activities and recognise Wisbech’s remarkable heritage.


Corporate membership enables organisations to express pride in the town’s history, helps them maintain a keen interest in issues affecting the town today and provides a forum through which they may contribute to the debate over enhancing Wisbech's status and future wellbeing. We welcome applications for corporate membership from like-minded companies and organisations.

Corporate members will help support our key objectives:

  • To stimulate local interest in the preservation of the architectural beauty of our town
  • To encourage the creation of good modern buildings that generations to come will consider worthy of preservation
  • To represent the Society’s views to local, county and other authorities, and to co-operate with them to secure these ends
  • To help in every way the cultural life of the town

The Benefits of Corporate Membership

Corporate membership includes these expanded private membership benefits:

  • Emailed digital edition of the Society’s Annual Review that outlines its activities, together with interesting articles and photographs connected to the town.
  • Free admission for two staff members to our winter lectures
  • Membership rates for our annual summer outings

In addition:

  • Your company/organisation name and contact details. will be listed in the Annual Review
  • You will have the opportunity to publicise your membership and a link to your website will appear on the Society’s website
  • A certificate to display at your premises showing your support for the Society. The certificate will be provided for the year of membership


Annual Corporate Membership Fees

£100 per organisation - to apply for Corporate membership, please contact the Society CLICK HERE


Project Sponsorship

As new Society projects and activities develop, we will look to offer corporate members the opportunity to provide support and direct sponsorship. We will consider projects as they arise and work with corporate members with a relevant interest or skill. Recognition of sponsorship will be included in all relevant documents, including those on our website.




manual application


Please manually complete our membership form and return it to the Membership Secretary.

online application


Join or renew your membership online. Pay securely via PayPal or with a credit or debit card.

You can also pay your subscription by completing a standing order.


This is a straight forward way of ensuring your subscription is paid on the due date, and helps keep our administration costs down.

Payment via cheque or postal is also accepted.

open quote

Have your say and make a difference within the community. Join the Wisbech Society!

close quote
general cemetery walks

Benefits of membership

  • We hold at least six evening meetings each year between October and March.

  • Our invited speakers cover a wide and varied range of interesting topics. The meetings are held on the second Monday of each month, within the AGM incorporated in the first meeting of the season in October

  • During the summer months we organise outings to places of interest.

  • Members recieve a copy of the Wisbech Society Review which includes articles on local history and forms an annual record of our activities and developments within the town.

If you have any questions on how the Wisbech Society membership works, please get in touch.

Online Application



You can join Wisbech Society or renew your membership by submitting your details electronically and paying by PayPal or with any recognised credit or debit card.


Other membership methods

  • Online
  • Manual
Manual Application



Please complete our membership form and send it to the Membership Secretary.


Pease click here to download the membership form.

Other membership methods

  • Online
  • Manual

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